Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tucson, Arizona

From Boulder I had to head back to Denver to get a bus to Tucson. My bus wasn't until 8:30pm but I headed back to Denver in the morning and spent the day with Amberly, a friend from Tucson, who had recently moved to Denver. It was a beautiful day so we headed to the park and had wine and crackers. We then hung out and cooked some dinner before I headed off. It was a nice relaxing day before another long bus trip!

I finally arrived in Tucson on Tuesday at 4:15pm. Although it was a long bus trip the scenery was quite beautiful along the way with the sun rising over the mountains in the desert. In true Arizona style, it was very hot and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

While I was in Tucson I stayed with Christine who I had a class with when I was on exchange. It was great to be back and I didn't realise how much I missed it! Over the next couple of days I caught up with friends, wandered around campus and hung out at the bars on University Boulevard and 4th street. When I was on exchange we spent a lot of time here and it brought back some great memories! Not much has changed but it was sad not having our old group there. I timed my trip well because Wednesday night was Dead Day Eve (the night before everyone gets the day off to study for finals) so everyone was out at the bars on University Boulevard.

I was meant to be getting a bus to San Diego on Friday night but when I got to the station the bus was full so I stayed another night. Christine and her boyfriend were heading to a country bar with some friends so I went along and practiced my two-step. I managed to get a bus early on Saturday morning and I was off to San Diego!

 Sofia, Christine, Matt and I on University Boulevard

 Sake bombs at Fuku

 UofA campus

Gentle Ben's with Michael and Adam

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