Thursday, May 10, 2012

Newport Beach, California

When we got to Newport we grabbed some dinner and then just hung out at Zach’s house and went to bed because Zach had to work the next morning. Zach lives really close to the beach so while he was at work on Friday I went for a walk along Newport Beach to the pier and had some food and looked at the shops. Newport Beach is really beautiful and I have decided that when I am rich I am going to buy a house on the beach! Zach finished work at around 3pm so when he got home we rode down to the beach and hung out for awhile and I went for a swim. Everyone keeps saying the water is too cold but it is not that bad!

On Friday night we headed out to Huntington Beach for dinner and after dinner met some of Zach’s friends at a bar. They headed home reasonably early and so we went back to Newport and went to the bars there.

On Saturday we went and had lunch at a bar on Newport Beach and Zach started on the Mimosa’s. We then fell asleep on the beach for awhile and I went swimming again. We decided that we had had enough sun so went to Fashion Island to look around, which is a really nice outdoor mall. When we got back to Zach’s we got ready to head out but then decided we were too tired so just went to bed instead. I needed to get a bus to San Francisco from LA on Sunday so we got up at a reasonable time and drove along the Pacific Coast Highway and stopped at Hermosa, Manhattan and Venice Beach on the way. We met up with one of Zach’s friends for lunch at Hermosa Beach and then another friend at a bar in Venice Beach. I was meant to be getting a Greyhound at 4:15pm but when I got to the station I found out it was full and the next one I could get on was 10:10pm. I really need to learn to start getting to the stations a bit earlier! The LA Greyhound station is one of the nicer ones I have been to and has food so I decided things could be worse and I decided to catch up on my blog and finish my book.

So after waiting for 6 hours in the Greyhound station here I am on the bus and finally on my way to San Francisco. I am going to stay with Chrissy (the Australian girl I met in Miami) and her friends!

It was awesome to see Zach and I absolutely loved Newport. Good company, awesome weather and the beach, what is there not to love?!

 Newport Beach

Newport Pier

 Zach and I out on Friday night

 Lunchtime Mimosa

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