Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

We had to bus back to Guadalajara and then change buses to Puerto Vallarta. It took about 9.5 hours altogether and we finally got to our hostel in Puerto Vallarta around 9pm. The staff were really friendly and gave us a cold corona when we arrived! We could definitely feel the change in heat as soon as we arrived...it was extremely humid! We were taco’d out so we went and found an Italian restaurant for dinner and then crashed out reasonably early. 

The next day we went to the beach and then just hung out at the hostel in the afternoon. The hostel was really cool with a rooftop area with a view of the water and then another lounge area. We went out to dinner with one of the guys from the hostel and enjoyed the $1 beers and margaritas.

Thursday was Chrissy's last full day so we booked a booze cruise which went from 10am – 5pm. They gave us some breakfast and then took us out on the boat to a snorkelling spot. They didn’t have enough gear for everyone but the snorkelling wasn’t very good anyway so we just went for a swim. The water was so much warmer than Cabo! From there we had a choice to hang out on Las Animas beach or hike to a waterfall. We decided to hike to the waterfall and some people took horses. It was so hot and the waterfall was so nice and refreshing. You could climb up a bit of the waterfall and then slide down and there were also kids jumping off the rocks. After the waterfall we had lunch on Las Animas beach and then the cruise headed back to Puerto Vallarta. There was an open bar on the boat and the drinks were reasonably watered down but the staff loved us and kept adding more tequila to our drinks. The cruise was majority families but by the end lots of people were up dancing and one of the staff taught me some Mexican dances.

It was ladies night (free drinks for girls) at a local bar, Harry's, so once we got back to the hostel we got ready and headed out with the other people staying at the hostel and the staff. There are two Oasis hostels owned by the same guy so we met up with the people from the other hostel too. This was great because Chrissy and most of the people from the hostel I was staying at were leaving the next day so I was able to meet some more people. After Harry's we headed to a nightclub down at the beach and danced until early hours of the morning. 

One of the staff, Brad, cooked us pancakes for breakfast the next morning and then we went to the beach for a little bit before Chrissy had to leave to fly back to the states. I just relaxed and hung out at the hostel for the rest of the afternoon. The other hostel invited us to a BBQ that night so we went over and had dinner and then played drinking games. It was nice to have some food other than tacos and quesadillas! I organised with an Australian guy and a German girl at the other hostel to go to a beach up north called Sayulita the next day. It took about an hour and a half on the bus each way and was a really cute little town and beautiful beach.  

Saturday night was my last night so I headed over to the other hostel with Brad to hang out for a bit. On Sunday morning Brad cooked me french toast and then I had to head to the airport to fly to Mexico City to meet Louise. 

The hostel was awesome, it became like a little family!

 Hostel rooftop

 Booze cruise

 Hike to the waterfall

 Cute secluded beach

 Drinking games


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