Monday, May 21, 2012

Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico

I arrived in Cabo about 40 mins earlier than Chrissy, Caz and Coralie so I just waited for them at the airport and then we all got a shuttle to our hotel. We stayed at the Cabo Inn which was really cute and was in a really good location - walking distance to the bars, the marina and the beach. The lady working at the counter when we checked in was really helpful giving us suggestions on where to eat and what to do while in Cabo. As soon as we checked in we went to grab some food at a local restaurant with amazing seafood and then had an early night which was much needed after our weekend in Vegas! 

We booked a snorkeling trip for the next day for $35 each which included them taking you out on a boat to a snorkeling spot, lunch and an open bar. There were about 50 people on the boat and we met some cool people including 2 girls and a guy staying at our hotel. Was such a fun day and by the end everyone was dancing on the boat. Once we got back we hung out in the pool at the hotel and kept drinking and a group of us from the hotel headed out to dinner and to the bars. It was an awesome night and we ended up dancing for about 5 hours straight. My legs are still a bit sore!

The next day we slowly go out of bed and headed down to the beach. There was a cruise ship that had arrived so there were lots of people at the bars on the beach and they were having lap dancing competitions and flip cup and lots of stuff going on. We hung out on the beach for a couple of hours which was really really beautiful! There are lots of people selling things on the beach so the one thing we are very good at saying in Spanish is "no gracias". We grabbed some tacos for dinner from a cheap local place and drank at the hostel before heading out to the bars. Cabo is quite touristy so food at the restaurants is not that cheap so the small local places are definitely the way to go. 

Thursday was our last full day so we headed back to the beach and rented some jet skiis which was so much fun!! Then we just relaxed at the beach for a couple of hours getting ready for our last night in Cabo. We went to a bar which was having ladies night which meant free drinks for ladies from 11pm-2am! The perks of being a girl :) 

We got up at 9am on Friday to head to the airport to continue on our adventures. Caz and Coralie flew to Miami and Chrissy and I flew to Guadalajara, Mexico. 

 Snorkeling trip

I'm on a boat!

 Pool at the hotel

 Cabo Inn crew
 Medano beach

 Cabo Inn

Awesome swing bar on the beach

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