Thursday, May 17, 2012

San Francisco, California

I finally arrived in San Francisco at 5:30am and luckily the apartment I was staying at was just around the corner from the bus station. I had to wake Chrissy and her friends up to let me in but we went straight back to bed. When we got up we headed down to Fishermans Wharf and rented some bikes to ride to the Golden Gate Bridge. The views along the way were amazing and of course there was a beautiful view from the bridge. It was a bit cloudy in the morning but the sun came out for us once we got to the bridge. Once we returned the bikes we went to a really good seafood restaurant down at Fishermans Wharf and then headed back to the apartment to get ready for the baseball. On the way back to the apartment we also went to Lombard St which is the crookedest street in the world. When we got to the baseball the only tickets left were standing or really expensive ones so we decided to skip the game and go the next night. Instead we went to one of the pubs close by and watched the game on TV. 

On Tuesday we had a bit of a slow start but eventually headed out to see the famous victorian houses called the Painted Ladies. We then went to another seafood restaurant for a late lunch. It was a very small place with one long bench to sit at and it is very popular so there is always a line. I had smoked salmon which was so so good! We then got ready and headed out to the baseball game - San Francisco Giants vs Colorado Rockies. The atmosphere at American sports games is awesome and the stadium in San Francisco is really beautiful with a view of the water. We decided not to head out after the game because we needed to make some plans for Vegas and book some accommodation for Mexico.

On Wednesday we headed into Union Square to do a bit of shopping for Vegas and then I had to get a bus to Sacramento. I booked my flights to Vegas a couple of months ago with Natalie, my good friend from Arizona, who now lives in Sacramento. I stayed with her last night and we are now getting ready to head to Vegas! Chrissy and her friends flew to Vegas in the morning so we are meeting them there. 

 Golden Gate Bridge

 Lombard Street

The Painted Ladies

 Awesome seafood restaurant
At the baseball

AT&T Park

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