Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Los Angeles, California

On the way to Los Angeles we stopped at Laguna Beach to grab some lunch, which was really beautiful! We arrived at the hostel in the afternoon and the hostel was having a comedy night so I went along with a couple of Canadian girls and German guys that I met at the hostel. After the comedy night I headed with the German guys and a couple of the comedians to some bars in Hollywood.

On Wednesday Steven, a good friend from Arizona, came and met me in Hollywood and we went and had lunch and hung out. Was awesome to catch up with him and I left a bag of winter clothes with him to make my bag a bit lighter for the rest of my trip. It is so much easier to pack my bag now! It is great to be able to catch up with all these friends who I haven’t seen for over a year and feel like I saw them just yesterday :)

When I got back to the hostel Justin and I drove up to the Hollywood sign, drove down Sunset Strip where there are a lot of famous bars (including the Viper Room which Johnny Depp owns), and went down to Santa Monica beach. We had dinner in Santa Monica and then headed back to the hostel. They were having a karaoke night at the hostel and everyone was hanging out drinking and watching the karaoke. Some people went out to the bars after karaoke but I just hung out with some people at the hostel.

On Thursday Justin and I weren't sure what we wanted to do but decided to see how much the tours would cost to see the famous houses around Hollywood and Beverly Hills. We wandered down Hollywood Boulevard talking to all the different people selling the tours and managed to bargain it down to $15 each from the original $40. On the tour they pointed out famous peoples houses, famous bars, went down Rodeo Drive (the very expensive shopping area) and went to an awesome viewing spot of LA where you could also see the Hollywood sign. Justin then had to go to the airport and I just hung out at the hostel until Zach, a friend from Arizona, came to pick me up to take me to Newport Beach.

 Laguna Beach

 Night out in Hollywood

 Steven and I

 Walk of fame - Nicole Kidman

 Hollywood sign

 Santa Monica

View of LA

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