Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mexico City, DF Mexico

My flight arrived just before Louise’s (a good friend from home) so I met her at the airport and after getting a little bit lost we managed to navigate the metro system and make it to the hostel! One of the guys I met in Guanajuato was also staying at the hostel....such a small world!

We booked a tour to the Teotihuacan pyramids for the next day. On the tour we first stopped at Tlatelolco (Aztec ruins) and saw the memorial for students that were shot in 1968 for protesting. We then went to the Guadalupe shrine and had lunch at a place where we learnt about how liquor and textiles are made from the agave plant. We got to try some tequila and some pickled pear and almond liquor. Next stop was the Teotihuacan pyramids and we learnt that noone seems to know who built the pryamids but they were abandoned and much of it was destroyed by fire years later. The Aztecs discovered Teotihuacan around 1320 and today part of the city has been recovered. We climbed up the largest pyramids, the Pyramid of the Moon (45m) and the Pyramid of the Sun (65m) and walked down the Avenue of the Dead (2km). The pyramids had extremely steep stairs and it was hot so it was a bit of a workout!

The next day we went to the Anthropology Museum to learn a bit more about the Mayans and the Aztecs. A lot of it was in Spanish which made it a bit hard but there was some information in English and there was lots of stuff to look at. We also read about a lot of other native Mexican groups who we had never heard of before. 

Later that afternoon we got a bus to Taxco which is about 2 hours southwest of Mexico City.


Guadalupe Shrine

 On top of the Pyramid of the Moon with view of the Pyramid of the Sun and the Avenue of the Dead

 Awesome carvings

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