Monday, March 26, 2012

New York, New York

From Boston I got a bus to New York where I stayed with Arthur, a friend from Arizona. I was staying on the outskirts of Harlem which, if anyone knows anything about New York, is not the greatest area. I didn’t feel unsafe at any point but there were some interesting people around. At one point someone yelled out their car window “what are you doing in Harlem?” 

Arthur was working during the days so I explored the city for a couple of days by myself going to the United Nations Building, Columbus Circle, the Love sculpture and the Palace Hotel and Grand Central Station (for all you Gossip Girl fans). I hung out with Arthur after work checking out the New York bars and went to see the musical Jersey Boys. A couple of days after I arrived Jono, the Australian guy I met in Boston, arrived in New York so I hung out with him for the rest of the week. We went to Ground Zero, educated ourselves at the Met Museum, explored Central Park, wandered around Times Square, went out to some college bars and went to a comedy stand up show. Jono managed to get us lost a few times so we did a lot of walking but it was probably good to work off all the pizza and burgers we ate. 

I love New York but it gets a bit much after awhile and there are some very crazy people around. One night a drunk guy started talking to Jono and I on the subway telling us "I am not poor I am just an alcoholic" and then proceeded to try and do chinups on the railing. 

Jono and I in Times Square

The love sculpture

Arthur and I

Central Park

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