Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Portland, Oregon

From Seattle I got a train to Portland. I met some cool people at the hostel and ended up hanging out with them. We went to Vodoo doughnuts, a famous doughnut place which has doughnuts with everything you can imagine on them (even cereal). Their signature doughnut is the voodoo doll which has a pretzel stuck into it and raspberry filling. We also went exploring to find the world’s smallest park which is basically a small tree that has been planted in the median strip of the road where a telegraph pole used to be. The sun finally came out on my last day so we went to Washington Park to the Japanese gardens. We got slightly lost on the way to Washington Park but it was a nice detour because we ended up in the Portland Hills, which is an expensive suburb with some really beautiful houses! 

Portland nightlife wasn't amazing because it was midweek but we went to a few dive bars and ended up finding champagne at the hostel to continue the party!

Portland was known as the unheavenly city during the 1800's because sailors were kidnapped and dropped into the underground through trap doors and then forced to work on ships. On my last night we ate at a pizzeria which sits above where the underground tunnels were. The pizzeria is said to be haunted because it used to be a hotel and a prostitute that worked there was thrown down the elevator shaft for sharing information about this slavery practice. I didn't see any ghosts but it was awesome pizza! 

 Vodoo doll

Andy chilling in the world's smallest park

Friends from the hostel

Old Town Pizza - the haunted pizzeria

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