Saturday, March 10, 2012

Seattle, Washington

From Whistler I took a bus to Seattle and prayed they would let me across the border. I had a visa but they are very suspicious of people going to America and just traveling for long periods of time. I had already been given strange looks in LA on our way to Canada when I said I was just traveling for 5 months. The lady at the Seattle border was mostly interested in the fact that I was staying at hostels and said to me “make sure you take your hand sanitiser” even though she had never actually been to a hostel!

Seattle was a very cool city but it definitely lived up to its reputation of being very wet! I have been told I have to go back in summer because it is much prettier. The hostel was just across the road from Pike Place Markets with lots of food and other stalls and the first ever Starbucks. I did an underground tour which was very cool, taking you under the current footpaths. The city used to be built at that level but it kept being flooded and at some points you can look up through skylights and see people walking above you. I also went to the Experience Music Project which is a music museum and they had an exhibit on Nirvana. I also wanted to check out the University District but unfortunately it was pouring with rain.

On my second night the hostel organised a pub crawl to Capitol Hill and I met some cool people staying in the hostel, including a group of Australians that were working in Vancouver and were just in Seattle for the weekend. I also met a girl from Washington DC who was on spring break and we caught up again later in my travels. One of the bars we went to was the last place that Kurt Cobain was seen alive. I also met a Will Smith lookalike haha.

 Pike Place Market
 Pub crawl
Will Smith....kinda?

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