Friday, March 16, 2012

Chicago, Illinois

From Portland I flew to Chicago to visit my friend Katrina who studied in Wollongong last year. It was definitely an American college experience staying in the student apartments and eating in the dining hall every day. The weather was unusually warm for March getting up to 28 degrees Celsius (approximately 85 farenheit). The day I arrived was St Paddy’s Day so we went into the city and went to see the Chicago River, which they die green especially for the occasion. As you can see in the picture, I am talking bright green!! We then spent the rest of the day on the beach and I met pretty much the whole college football team just to be really American.

I did lots of exploring the city including the art museum, going up the Willis Tower to the 103rd floor, taking photos of the Bean, walking around Millenium Park, walking down the Magnificent Mile (the street of all the expensive shops) and the weather was so good we spent half a day at the beach. The problem was it was so hot but the water was freezing! The suburb I was staying in was called Wheaton and it was really beautiful because Spring had arrived early so all the trees were blooming. In terms of food, Chicago is known for their popcorn and deep dish pizzas so of course I had to try them.

On my last night I went to stay with Alexa who I met in Arizona when I was on exchange. My flight was really early and Alexa started work early so we planned on going out to dinner and having a few quiet drinks. As you can guess it didn’t quite go to plan and the night escalated and I ended up napping for an hour before going to the airport!

The Chicago River died green for St Paddy's Day

Katrina and I on the 103rd floor of the Willis Tower

The Bean

Alexa and I


  1. they seriously dyed the river green for st pats..??? thats amazing.

    1. They sure did! Was so cool but they only dye a section of it and it only lasts for a couple of hours
