Friday, March 23, 2012

Boston, Massachussetts

By the time I got to Boston I was absolutely wrecked from not sleeping the night before so the first thing I did was go to bed for a couple of hours haha! Apart from sleeping, I went on a tour of the Harvard campus, explored the city and did the Freedom Trail, which included all the famous sites of Boston. At the end of the trail was the Bunker Monument where you walk up 294 steps to get a good view of the city. On my last night the hostel was meant to be organising a pub night and when we asked about it they said that they hadn’t had much interest. I had talked to a few people that were interested so the hostel gave us the names of a few pubs and somehow I ended up in charge. We recruited a group of people and the night ended up involving tequila shots. Lets just say that one of the guys missed his bus the next morning and everyone was feeling very sorry for themselves.

Although Boston has a lot of history it is quite a hip, young city with lots of students around!

The Bunker Monument

The view from the top

Friends from the hostel

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