Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mazunte, Oaxaca, Mexico

When we got to Mazunte we asked for the prices of some of the cabanas near the beach and decided on the cheaper ones. The guy gave us the cabanas right at the top of the hill because there was a nice view of the beach. They were cheaper for a reason and were very basic with a little curtain as a bathroom door. We were happy with it because it was just for one night and went off to spend the afternoon at the beach. When we got back to the cabanas we were all quite keen for a shower because we were sticky and salty but we discovered that all 3 of our cabanas didn't have water. The guy finally suggested that we could go down to some of the lower cabanas to have a shower. We were very confused because the cabanas were much nicer and roomier and were the same price - and more importantly had water - so we asked to move!

The next day we hung out at the beach again and I finally got a hair braid which I had been wanting for awhile. Louise and I were getting an overnight bus to Oaxaca so we said goodbye to new friends (yet again) and the journey continued...

 Our small waterless cabana

Group shot at lunch

 Girls at the beach

Getting my hair braided

Saying goodbyes

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