Thursday, June 14, 2012

San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico

The bus to San Cristobal took 10 hours, a bit nicer than the 12 hours we were told. We stayed at the Iguana Hostel which a few people had recommended and Andy, who we met in Mexico City, was staying there too. A lot of people head to the same places so we were constantly bumping into people we knew which was nice. We hung out with Andy and went and explored the markets, which were huge, and walked around the city. San Cristobal is a cute city with some nice pedestrian streets and we were surprised to find lots of Italian restaurants and French bakeries. We also found an English book shop and I finally decided to buy a Spanish phrase book so I could improve my Spanish.

The next day we went with Andy to a small town called San Juan Chamula. The main attraction of the town is the church which was full of candles and pine needles all over the floor. There were lots of locals in the church chanting and they had chickens with them. After reading about it later it seems that chicken sacrifice takes place. We read somewhere that if you are ill, the illness can be passed onto the chicken and then it is sacrificed. We also explored the markets in San Juan Chamula which had lots of traditional clothes, bracelets and handicrafts.  

Earlier that morning Anthony and Finn, who we met in Puerto Escondido, also arrived at the hostel. We all pre-drank at the hostel and after unsuccessfully trying to find a bar written about in the Lonely Planet, we headed out to some local bars. 

The next day we left around 11am to get a bus to Palenque.


 One of the pedestrian streets

 Church in San Juan Chamula

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