Monday, June 18, 2012

Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

There are a couple of ruins you can go to in Merida but we decided we had seen our fair share of ruins and decided to do something different. The first day we just had a relaxing day and wandered around and checked out the markets. Our second day we went to the San Ignacio Cenote, which is a natural pool in a cave. It was quite a long way to get there but it was really cool and we just swam and hung out there for awhile. From there we then headed to Progreso Beach which was also quite far but it was a sunny day so we thought we could relax on the beach for awhile. Unfortunately when we got there it was super windy and so not so pleasant! We decided to walk around the town while we were there but there wasn’t a whole lot going on so we headed back to Merida.

The hostel we stayed in was really cool and had a really nice pool. Also, a guy came in each night to teach free salsa lessons. We did the free lesson on our second night and lots of people got involved and it was really fun. Unfortunately it was a Tuesday night so we couldn’t go out to practice our moves!

Being our last days in Mexico we also tried to eat all the cheap Mexican food we could.

The next morning we headed off to the airport to fly to Mexico City and then on to Peru!!

Motorbike taxi to the Cenote

 San Ignacio Cenote

 Progreso Beach

 Pool at the hostel

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