Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lima, Peru

We arrived in Lima reasonably late and were ready for a good sleep but unfortunately they overbooked our hostel room so we were woken up several times while they tried to sort it out!

We decided to get the bus to Arequipa the next night so we just had one day in Lima. Lima is just a big city and there is not a whole lot to do so this worked well. We checked out the beach, checked out the shopping mall on the cliff overlooking the ocean and went to the Huaca Pucllana pyramids. We also went to a hole in the wall local place for lunch where they have probably never seen tourists before and had our first of many set menus to come - soup, main and a drink for 7 soles (approx. $3)!

 Beach in Miraflores

Huaca Pucllana Pyramids

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