Monday, July 16, 2012

Los Angeles - the end of my adventure!

I already spent a couple of days in LA earlier in my trip and I have about $100 to my name so  I have just been relaxing and finally updated my blog!

I am currently sitting out in the sun - it is so nice to be in shorts and singlets again - and trying to make the most of it before returning to winter. However, I think it will feel quite warm compared to some of the winter weather I experienced in South America!

The past 5 months have been absolutely amazing and I have so many great memories to take home. It was great to catch up with old friends and I met some amazing new people! Thanks to everyone who housed me, fed me, traveled with me, translated for me and just generally hung out with me. Each and every one of you made my trip and I hope to see you all in Australia sometime in the near future so I can repay the favour. 

I have been asked a few times about the highlight of my trip but that is a really hard question to answer. Skiing is amazing in Canada and all the states are so different in America. Central and South America is another experience again with very different cultures and landscapes. I had great expectations for Machu Picchu and the Salt Flats Tour and have been wanting to go there for a couple of years now and they definitely lived up to, if not surpassed, my expectations! So I definitely don't have an easy answer for this and you will just have to read all my blogs and look at all my pictures haha. Although I can tick some more countries off my list, this trip has also made me realise how many more places I want to go!

When people started asking me for updates I realised there was so much to write about so I decided to start this blog. I had no idea this many people would read it so I hope you have enjoyed hearing about my adventures!

That is all for now until my next adventure...

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