Saturday, July 7, 2012

La Paz, Bolivia

The bus trip was only 3.5 hours to La Paz which was nice for a change. At one point we had to get across a section of Lake Titicaca so we all got off the bus and got a boat and the buses went over on “ferries”. The so called “ferries” basically looked like rafts and looked a bit dodgy but it was funny to see buses and cars floating across the river (photo below).

We stayed at the Wild Rover Hostel in La Paz which had a bar so we had dinner and drinks there before heading out. We met an Australian couple in the bar and we headed out with them. We didn’t get back to the hostel until around 6am and unfortunately I was quite sick and was up all morning hugging the toilet. At first I thought it was a mixture of drinking and altitude but then I was way too sick for it to be that. I couldn’t keep any liquid or food down all day and just ended up sleeping most of the day. Ever since the trek most people had been sick at some point and Louise hadn’t felt great for quite a few days. Most people get sick at some point on their travels through South America because of the water and/or food. We went to bed really early and luckily the next day I was feeling much better but unfortunately Luke wasn’t. Louise and I explored the Witches Markets and we finally bought some Alpaca jumpers. I also organised my Salt Flats Tour and booked an overnight bus for the next night to Uyuni where the tour starts. Luke and Louise had more time to travel Bolivia so they decided to go to the Amazon first. Luke and Louise left around lunch time the next day to get their flight and I decided to check out the Coca Museum. Unfortunately when I was walking my wallet was stolen from my bag so I had to ring the bank to cancel my card and then didn’t feel like doing much. Luckily I only had about $20 on me and I had another debit card. My bus was at 7pm so I went to grab some early dinner and bumped into Louise and Luke again because their flight had been cancelled because there was no fuel – only in South America!

 Witches Market

Creepy stuff at the Witches Markets

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