Thursday, July 5, 2012

Copacabana + Lake Titicaca - Bolivia

The next day we took a bus to Copacabana which is on the Bolivian side of Lake Titicaca. Copacabana was a cute little town on the lake. We explored the town a bit and walked up a hill to get a great view of the city and the lake. We sat up on the hill for awhile and just enjoyed the view. We stayed at a hostel for the night and then the next day got a boat to Isla Del Sol (Island of the Sun) which is about a 2 hour trip from Copacabana. This is the main attraction of going to Copacabana and is a pretty island with beaches on the North end and more mountainess terrain on the South end. We were dropped at the North end and had a bit of a walk around and walked around an Inca site. We then took the boat to the South end and spent the night at a hostel. The Island was quiet and not as touristy as I thought it would be. Our hostel was on the cliff and had a great view of the lake. It was so peaceful and pretty so we sat outside and enjoyed the view. There was a restaurant at our hostel and the little old lady that worked there cooked us dinner. It was pretty cold and there wasn’t much happening so we ended up in bed by 8:30pm!

It was so nice to finally have a sleep in. We got up at around 9am to get the boat back to Copacabana to get our bus at 1pm to La Paz. 

 Copacabana + Lake Titicaca

 View of Copacabana

 Isla Del Sol - North end

 Enjoying the view outside our hostel

 The view again

Our hostel on the hill

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